1.北京中医药大学东方医院 肛肠科, 北京, 100078
2.北京中医药大学东方医院 护理部, 北京, 100078
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魏永春, 秦沙沙, 鄂海燕, 等. 中药熏蒸技术治疗1例混合痔术后疼痛患者的护理体会[DB/OL].中西医结合临床案例库, 2022.
WEI Yongchun, QIN Shasha, E Haiyan, et al. Nursing care of a patient with postoperative pain of mixed hemorrhoids treated by Traditional Chinese Medicine fumigation[DB/OL].Clinical Archives of Integrative Medicine, 2022.
魏永春, 秦沙沙, 鄂海燕, 等. 中药熏蒸技术治疗1例混合痔术后疼痛患者的护理体会[DB/OL].中西医结合临床案例库, 2022. DOI: 10.12209/CAIM202203150003.
WEI Yongchun, QIN Shasha, E Haiyan, et al. Nursing care of a patient with postoperative pain of mixed hemorrhoids treated by Traditional Chinese Medicine fumigation[DB/OL].Clinical Archives of Integrative Medicine, 2022. DOI: 10.12209/CAIM202203150003.
This paper reviewed the nursing measures of Traditional Chinese medicine fumigation in a patient with pain and edema after operation of mixed hemorrhoids. Under the guidance of dialectical nursing theory of traditional Chinese medicine, the fumigation technology of Traditional Chinese medicine granules was adopted. After treatment, the pain of patients was significantly reduced and the edema was significantly improved.
mixed hemorrhoidspostoperative painfumigation with Traditional Chinese MedicineedemaTraditional Chinese Medicine Nursing
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