北京市昌平区中西医结合医院 重症医学科, 北京, 102208
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郭凤娟, 杜琳琳, 王雪倩, 等. 1例重症肺炎老年患者护理体会[DB/OL].中西医结合临床案例库, 2022.
Fengjuan GUO, Linlin DU, Xueqian WANG, et al. Nursing of an elderly patient with severe pneumonia[DB/OL].Clinical Archives of Integrative Medicine, 2022.
郭凤娟, 杜琳琳, 王雪倩, 等. 1例重症肺炎老年患者护理体会[DB/OL].中西医结合临床案例库, 2022. DOI: 10.12209/CAIM202210180012.
Fengjuan GUO, Linlin DU, Xueqian WANG, et al. Nursing of an elderly patient with severe pneumonia[DB/OL].Clinical Archives of Integrative Medicine, 2022. DOI: 10.12209/CAIM202210180012.
Severe pneumonia is a common respiratory critical disease in ICU patients. The elderly are the main group of severe pneumonia due to the decline of body organ function. It can lead to serious complications such as respiratory failure and multi-organ failure, reduce the quality of life of patients, and even threaten patients’ life. This paper summarized the nursing of an elderly patient with severe pneumonia, respectively from nutritional support, airway care, psychological care and medication care, pipeline and skin care, to provide valuable experience for the care of elderly patients with severe pneumonia, to shorten the ICU treatment time and reduce the risk of complications and adverse events.
ICUsevere pneumonianutritional supportairway carepsychological care
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