北京中医药大学房山医院 普通外科, 北京, 102400
晁霞, E-mail: fangfang824316@163.com
陈芳芳, 晁霞. 基于中医护理方案保守治疗1例湿热型肠痈患者的护理体会[DB/OL].中西医结合临床案例库, 2024.
CHEN FANGFANG, CHAO XIA. Nursing of a patient with damp-heat type intestinal carbuncle treated conservatively based on Traditional Chinese Medicine nursing program. [DB/OL].Clinical archives of integrative medicine, 2024.
陈芳芳, 晁霞. 基于中医护理方案保守治疗1例湿热型肠痈患者的护理体会[DB/OL].中西医结合临床案例库, 2024. DOI: 10.12209/CAIM202411210007.
CHEN FANGFANG, CHAO XIA. Nursing of a patient with damp-heat type intestinal carbuncle treated conservatively based on Traditional Chinese Medicine nursing program. [DB/OL].Clinical archives of integrative medicine, 2024. DOI: 10.12209/CAIM202411210007.
This article summarizes the nursing of a patient with damp-heat intestinal carbuncle treated conservatively based on Traditional Chinese Medicine nursing program. The patient was diagnosed with syndrome classification of damp-heat type. According to the Traditional Chinese Medicine nursing program combined with the main symptoms of the patient, sodium sulfate external application, Sizi powder warm compress, acupoint application, diet care and emotional care and other characteristics of Traditional Chinese medicine nursing interventions were carried out to relieve the clinical symptoms of the damp-heat type intestinal carbuncle. The findings showed that a safe, effective, targeted nursing plan was required to promote the early recovery of the patient.
Traditional Chinese Medicine nursing programconservative treatmentdamp-heat typeintestinal carbuncle
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