北京按摩医院 护理部, 北京, 100021
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YANG JIAORONG, YANG SONGRAN. Nursing care of a patient with primary dysmenorrhea of cold coagulation and blood stasis type treated with Bianshi moxibustion combined with ear acupoint application pressure. [DB/OL].Clinical archives of integrative medicine, 2025.
杨交荣, 杨淞然. 砭石艾灸联合耳穴贴压治疗1例寒凝血瘀型原发性痛经患者的护理[DB/OL].中西医结合临床案例库, 2025. DOI: 10.12209/CAIM202411250008.
YANG JIAORONG, YANG SONGRAN. Nursing care of a patient with primary dysmenorrhea of cold coagulation and blood stasis type treated with Bianshi moxibustion combined with ear acupoint application pressure. [DB/OL].Clinical archives of integrative medicine, 2025. DOI: 10.12209/CAIM202411250008.
This article summarizes the nursing experience of a patient with primary dysmenorrhea of cold coagulation and blood stasis type treated with needle stone moxibustion combined with ear acupoint pressure. Under the guidance of traditional Chinese medicine theory, based on the differentiation of syndromes, patients were treated with acupuncture and moxibustion combined with ear acupressure. Combined with nursing measures such as daily care, exercise guidance, and emotional care, the patient's menstrual pain was significantly relieved and anxiety was improved.
primary dysmenorrheacold coagulation and stasis typeneedle and moxibustionear acupressureTraditional Chinese Medicine nursing
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